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How To Use Airtable For Your Job Search

Airtable has many uses and one of the most valuable ones I have used it for was to aid in my job search. Job searches take a lot of work and there is a plethora of data to manage including information about job postings, past jobs, people involved etc. Airtable is an ideal way to make this process much more powerful and efficient.

Below is a guide on how I created my base. I have information about the purpose of each table and a list of all of the fields and field types used. Everything outlined below was built using a free account and requires no special features.

The base contain seven tables:

  • Jobs
  • Companies
  • People
  • Work History
  • Sites
  • Interview Prep
  • Stories

Duplicate the base

I have built a template Base that you are free to use. It is read only so you need to duplicate and add it to your own workspace to be able to edit it. To do this, simply click the dropdown arrow next to Tutorial – Job Search at the top of the screen, then click ‘Duplicate base’ and add it to your workspace.

Jobs Table

The jobs table is where you will add all of the job opportunities you are interested in or apply for. 


You will take this right from the job posting and will be things like Business Development Representative or Account Payable Specialist.


You will add the company that is hiring for this position. Since this field type is linked with the Company table, once you create a company, it will add a row to the Company table. If the company already exists in the Company table, you will be able to select it when you start typing.


You will add the people involved in hiring for this position. This may very well start off with a recruiter or someone from Human Resources but you can add people as you meet them through the interview process. Since this field type is linked with the People table, once you create a person, it will add a row to the People table. You can add more information about them when we get to that table.


The date when the job was first posted.


The date you submitted your resume or application.


This is how you found out about the job and the channel you used to apply. Since this field type is linked with the Sites table, once you create a site, it will add a row to the Sites table. If a site already exists, you will be able to select it when you start typing.

Job Description

I always print a job description to a PDF and upload it to be able to reference.


A copy of your resume specific to an open position.

Cover Letter

A copy of the cover letter you sent for a position.


The job level for an open position. You can customize this how you wish. I currently have these options:

  • Entry
  • Associate
  • Manager
  • Director
  • Executive


The salary being offered for a position.


This helps you organize where you are in the job search process. Using the Single select field type makes this a great use for the Kanban view. You can update this as you move from stage to stage. Below are the options for this field:

  • Applied
  • Rejected
  • Phone Screen
  • In Person Interview
  • Offer
  • Accepted
  • Declined

Next Follow Up

You can set this date as a reminder for yourself to follow up on your status. This field is helpful to use with the Calendar view so you can plan your week and make sure you are proactive in reaching out to the recruiter or hiring manager.


This is a default field. You can use it to store any notes you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Option
Position/TitleSingle line textNot applicable
CompanyLink to CompanyNot applicable
PeopleLink to PeopleNot applicable
PostedDateNot applicable
AppliedDateNot applicable
ReferrerLink to SitesNot applicable
Job DescriptionAttachmentNot applicable
ResumeAttachmentNot applicable
Cover LetterAttachmentNot applicable
LevelSingle selectEntry
SalaryCurrencyNot applicable
StageSingle selectApplied
Phone Screen
In Person Interview
Next Follow UpDateNot applicable
NotesLong textNot applicable

Companies Table

The Companies table is where you will store information about companies with job openings as well as companies where you have worked.


The name of the company.


This field uses a 5 star rating system and is used to identify companies you are most interested in working for. Companies that have 5 stars are the best fit in your mind or your “dream employer”. You can check the listing on their career site often and learn who to reach out to at the company.

Career Site

The url of their job listing site. Sometimes this is different from their main website domain.


This is most important if you’re doing a local search. You could also add remote or State fields if your search is more broad than just a local area.


This field will link to job openings you have applied to. You can click on records and they will open up more information about that job opening.

Work History

This field will link to the Work History table and will have information about your current and previous positions. You can click on records and they will open up more information about that position.


This is a default field. You can use it to store any notes you feel are worth recording.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Options
NameSingle line textNot applicable
Career SiteURLNot applicable
CitySingle line textNot applicable
JobsLink to JobsNot applicable
Work HistoryLink to Work HistoryNot applicable
NotesLong textNot applicable
AttachmentsAttachmentNot applicable

People Table

The People table is where you will store information about people involved with your job search. This could be people at a place with an opening you interested in, colleague and former colleagues, references, or mentors.


The person’s name.


This field will link to job openings you have applied to. You can click on records and they will open up more information about that job opening.


This field will link to the Work History table and will have information about your current and previous positions. You can click on records and they will open up more information about that position.

Hiring Manager

This is a checkbox field. Using this field is helpful when filtering and sorting to quickly identify all of the hiring managers in positions where you have applied.


Similar to above, this is a checkbox field where you can identify people you want to use as your references. Using this field is helpful when filtering and sorting to quickly see a list of all of your references.


Someone’s phone number.


Someone’s email address.


This is a Single select field with options for how you know the person. You can customize this however you wish but the options I have added are:

  • Interviewer
  • Colleague
  • Former Colleague
  • Manager
  • Former Manager
  • Subordinate
  • Former Subordinate
  • Client
  • Vendor
  • Mentor
  • Mentee
  • Classmate


A person’s job title.


A link to a person’s LinkedIn profile.


A link to a person’s Twitter handle.


This is a default field. You can use it to store any notes you feel are worth recording.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Options
NameSingle line textNot applicable
JobsLink to JobsNot applicable
ColleagueLink to Work HistoryNot applicable
Hiring ManagerCheckboxNot applicable
ReferenceCheckboxNot applicable
PhonePhone numberNot applicable
EmailEmailNot applicable
RelationshipSingle selectInterviewer
Former Colleague
Former Manager
Former Subordinate
TitleSingle line textNot applicable
LinkedInURLNot applicable
TwitterURLNot applicable
NotesLong textNot applicable
AttachmentsAttachmentNot applicable

Work History Table

This table will store information about your current and past roles. Anyone who has filled out online applications knows how time consuming it can be and having all of the information gathered here is a real time saver.


Your job title.


The name of the Company you worked for. This will add a row to the linked Companies table and add a record for Work History.


The date you started working for the company.


The date that you last worked for the company.


The street address for the company.


The city where you worked for the company.


The state where you worked for the company.


The Zip code where you worked for the company.


The company’s main phone number.


This field is linked with the People table. You can type in their name here and they will be added to a row. Make sure to set their Relationship field to Former Manager and if you plan to use them a reference, check that checkbox as well.


A summary of your job responsibilities for that role.

Starting Salary

Your salary when you started working for the company.

Ending Salary

Your salary when you last worked for the company.

Reason for Leaving

The reason you left the company.


This is linked with the Stories table and is a good place to capture things that happened while working for the company that you can use in  interviews.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Options
JobSingle line textNot applicable
CompanyLink to CompaniesNot applicable
FromDateNot applicable
ToDateNot applicable
AddressSingle line textNot applicable
CitySingle line textNot applicable
StateSingle line textNot applicable
PhonePhone numberNot applicable
ManagerLink to PeopleNot applicable
SummaryLong textNot applicable
Starting SalaryCurrencyNot applicable
Ending SalaryCurrencyNot applicable
Reason for LeavingLong textNot applicable
StoriesLink to StoriesNot applicable
AttachmentsAttachmentNot applicable

Sites Table

This is the most simple table in the base. It is just a place to record different job boards for quick reference.


The name of the job search website.


The web address of the job search website.


This field is linked from the Jobs table. This is helpful to identify where you are finding the best job openings.


This is linked with the Stories table and is a good place to capture things that happened while working for the company that you can use in  interviews.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.


This is a default field. You can use it to store any notes you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Options
NameSingle line textNot applicable
URLURLNot applicable
JobsLink to JobsNot applicable
AttachmentsLong textNot applicable
NotesAttachmentNot applicable

Interview Prep Table

Interviews can be daunting but this table will help you prepare. You can search the web for potential questions and you can prepare answers based on your past work history. You can also select your comfort in answering the question so you know which questions to focus on.


A potential question you will be asked during a job interview.


Linked from the Stories table, this will be useful in explaining real world examples of something you experienced related to the question. You can add multiple stories if more than one would fit the scenario.

Comfort in Answering

Your comfort in answering the question. This is a Single select field and is very useful to use with the Kanban view. You can easily see which questions you struggle with most so you can work on them to become more comfortable. The options for this field are:

  • Weak
  • Medium
  • Strong


This is a default field. You can use it to store any notes you feel are worth recording.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice / Options
QuestionLong textNot applicable
StoriesLink to StoriesNot applicable
Comfort in AnsweringSingle selectWeak
NotesLong textNot applicable
AttachmentAttachmentNot applicable

Stories Table

This table is a place to store information about wins and losses throughout your career and is very handy to have during interviews. This table used the STAR format to base stories on the Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This table links with both the Interview Prep and Work History tables.


The title of your story. This will be whatever makes sense to you.


This is a multiselect field. You can categorize these however you want. Below are the options I have populated:

  • Working with others
  • Leadership
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Expertise
  • Cost savings


Describe the situation that behind the story.


Described what you were tasked with in the situation.


Describe the action you took.


Describe what the result was based on the action you took.


This field is linked with the Work History tab. You can select the position that the story applied to.

Interview Prep

This field is linked with the Interview Prep table. You can select the question that the story relates to.


This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files you feel are worth recording.

Field and Field Types

Field NameField TypeChoice/Options
TitleSingle line textNot applicable
CategoryMultiple selectWorking with othersLeadershipSuccessFailureExpertiseCost savings
SituationLong textNot applicable
TaskLong textNot applicable
ActionLong textNot applicable
ResultLong textNot applicable
PositionLink to Work HistoryNot applicable
Interview PrepLink to Interview PrepNot applicable

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