Moving and Deleting Fields

When you create a custom field in Marketo, it’s automatically added to the lead (person) object. Unfortunately, Marketo doesn’t allow fields to be moved to company or opportunity objects after creation, nor does it offer a direct delete option. However, with help from Marketo Support, these limitations can be managed effectively.

Moving Fields

Sometimes, you may need custom fields on different objects, like the customer object, based on recommendations from an integration partner. While Marketo Support can’t move fields, they can create them on the correct object if you provide a spreadsheet with the field names and types. Note that any existing fields will need to be deleted before Marketo Support can recreate them on the new object.

Deleting Fields

Deleting fields in Marketo requires assistance from Marketo Support. Fields can be deleted entirely as long as they’re not in use within any smart campaigns, lists, forms, or other assets. Remember, deletion is permanent, and all field history will be lost, so ensure this is acceptable for your use case.