Bored Time

Bored Time

I wish I was bored more often. Sometimes I make time just to be bored. It is getting harder and harder in our connected world to be bored though and I think it is detrimental to our creativity. When our brains are constantly being stimulated, there is no break to digest the information. As soon…



I believe a great question is more valuable than a great idea. Questions open up discussions while ideas constrain them. Ideas certainly have their place but they also tend to use heuristics  based on what has been done before and what is possible. Questions don’t care about any of that. Questions let us dream. A…

What an Opportunity

What an Opportunity

There are two ways to look at change; you can try to fight it or you can say “what an opportunity”. Blockbuster fought to keep late fees and physical stores because that is who they were. What if they would have saw the competition from Netflix and said “what an opportunity to reduce overhead and…

Favorite, Best, and Popular

Favorite, Best, and Popular

The terms favorite, best, and popular seem similar but they are actually quite different. Favorite is completely subjective. If someone’s favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla, there is no debating because that is their personal view. Best can be a mixture of subjectivity and objectivity. It will still be primarily opinion based, but someone could…

Gorilla Marketing

Gorilla Marketing

You’re probably familiar with this video but if not, take a minute to watch it before proceeding to the rest of this post The good news is that our brains are really good at focusing on a task. If we want to look for something specific and filter out all other noise, we can do…