The Movie That Never Gets Made

Here’s the plot for a movie that never gets made:

The main character has a great childhood.  They do well in school and get into a great university. This leads to a successful job where they climb the corporate ladder quickly and retire comfortably.

We love underdogs. Yet in our social media world, there is pressure to not only promote your greatness but also hide your faults. How dare you not be crushing it? What do you mean you didn’t do well in school? Why isn’t your house bigger and why don’t you live in a better part of town? We want people to like us so we try to impress them. I actually think this may do more harm than good. I think that when people only share their successes, it breeds resentment brought on by our own insecurities. 

Being vulnerable is scary especially when others can be so quick to judge. Sometimes our imperfections seem unique to us but I think you will be surprised by how many people are facing the same struggle and are too afraid to say something. You are someone’s voice. In a world full of fakeness, we need real stories that we can relate to. 

We need your movie. We’re cheering for you.

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