The first Base I ever created for Airtable was to help me manage and plan content and is still something I use almost daily. I even planned this article in my Content base. I use this for my blog posts, LinkedIn updates, podcast episodes, videos, newsletter, and static web pages. Below is the configuration that is involved including the tables, fields, and views. Below is my setup but obviously add or remove and tables for channels you are or aren’t using.
I have built a template Base that you are free to use. It is read only so you need to duplicate and add it to your own workspace to be able to edit it. To do this, simply click the dropdown arrow next to Tutorial – Content Management at the top of the screen, then click ‘Duplicate base’ and add it to your workspace.Everything outlined below was built using a free account and requires no special features.
My content planning always starts with my blog. It is set up to match the same terminology of WordPress so I have fields like Category and Tags. You can modify this to use whichever content platform you use but the concepts will be the same.
The title of the blog post.
Helps organize where content is in the process. The statuses I use are:
Having these statuses is helpful when using kanban view or even filtered grid views.
I often create an idea for a post and want to capture my thoughts while they’re fresh in my mind and this is where this field comes in. It is a long text field so I can just keep typing all of my ideas and organize them later.
I always use Google Docs for writing my content and I link to those docs from Airtable.
I add the url of the post once it is published.
Whichever category I use in WordPress. I have this as a single select field even though WordPress does allow for multiple categories. You can change this as needed.
I add whichever tags I use in WordPress and this is a linked field to the Topics and Resources table which I find useful in generating additional ideas off of what I have already written.
This always contains the banner image as well as any images I use within the body of the post. Adding the banner images adds a nice touch when using kanban or gallery views.
I use Yoast SEO in WordPress which allows me to edit the meta description.
Helpful to use with the calendar view so that you can have a visual of when you should be publishing different pieces of content.
Keep track of when you actually published a piece of content.
Links to the LinkedIn table so that after I create a piece of content, I can also share it with my network.
Links to the Newsletter table as I often have links to my latest posts in my weekly newsletter.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Title | Single line text | Not applicable |
Status | Single select | IdeaDraftReadyPublished |
Brainstorm | Long text | Not applicable |
Link to Doc | URL | Not applicable |
Link to Post | URL | Not applicable |
Category | Single Select | Will vary based on how your website is setup |
Tags | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Image | Attachment | Not applicable |
Meta Description | Long text | Not applicable |
Date Planned | Date | Not applicable |
Date Published | Date | Not applicable |
Links to LinkedIn table | Not applicable | |
Newsletter | Links to Newsletter table | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Kanban view with the status field so that I can easily move content from stage to stage.
I use the Calendar view using the Date Planned field so I can easily see when my next post is scheduled to be published.
I use the Calendar view using the Date Published field so I can keep track of my publishing activity.
This uses the Grid view with a filter on the Status to only include records where the status is Idea.
This uses the Grid view with a filter on the Status to only include records where the status is Draft.
This uses the Grid view with a filter on the Status to only include records where the status is Published.
I use the Grid view and choose the Group option to make it easy to see the different pieces of content by stage.
I have a goal of updating LinkedIn two to three times a day and this table helps me organize content and bookmark links that I want to share with my network.
The title of the topic I want to post about.
This is what I paste into the status update in LinkedIn.
The URL of a website or resource that I am sharing.
I use three stages: Draft, Ready, and Published. I use draft to quickly store ideas as they pop into my head. Once they are refined and ready to be published I add them to the Ready stage. After they have been published I change it to the Published stage.
This refers to the type of content I am sharing. It may be a link to a third party blog post or a YouTube video. It may just be a status update without a link. This is useful for keeping a balance of different resources. You can see all of the values I use in the table below.
The date when I want to publish to LinkedIn. This helps me plan out content so I don’t post too much all at once or go too long between posts.
The actual date that I publish to LinkedIn.
Any attachment I want to include with the post.
Links to the Topic and Resources table.
Links to the Blog Posts table so that I can see when I have shared my blog posts with my network.
Links to the Podcasts table so that I can make sure to share episodes with my network once they’re published.
Links to the Podcasts table so that I can make sure to share episodes with my network once they’re publishedField and Field Types
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Content | Single line text | Not applicable |
Text | Long text | Not Applicable |
Link | URL | Not applicable |
Stage | Single select | DraftReadyPublished |
Type | Single select | 3rd Party Blog/ArticleImage OwnedLinkedIn PostLinkedIn Status UpdateYouTube 3rd PartyBlog – OwnedVideo-Ted TalkVideo – NativeWebsite/ResourceOwned Podcast |
Planned Date | Date | Not applicable |
Date Published | Date | Not applicable |
File | Attachment | Not applicable |
Topics | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Blog Posts | Links to Blog Posts table | Not applicable |
Podcasts | Links to Podcasts table | Not applicable |
Video | Links to video table | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Kanban view with the status field so that I can easily move status updates from stage to stage.
I use the Calendar view using the Planned Date field so I can easily see when my update is scheduled to be posted.
I use the Calendar view using the Date Published field so I can keep track of my update activity.
I use the Grid view and choose the Group option to make it easy to see the different pieces of content by Type.
The Podcast table helps me plan content and capture ideas for each podcast episode as well as ensure I am sharing episodes across the different channels.
The podcast title for each episode.
The number in the order of when each episode is published. If you are going to use seasons, you could add another field that keeps track of the season as well.
I use a list of items that I want to discuss or ask a guest about during the podcast. It helps me from blanking out when recording.
The date I plan to publish the episode.
The date the episode is actually published.
The length of a podcast in h:mm:ss format.
This links to the Topics and Resource table (which has a category for people) that you can add people to.
Links to the Topics and Resources table.
Links to the LinkedIn table so I can be sure to share new episodes with my network.
Links to the Newsletter table so I can be sure to include links to my latest episodes in my newsletter.
Any attachments you want to add. This could be a cover image for sharing or notes about your guest.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Title | Single line text | Not applicable |
Episode # | Number | Integer |
Talking Points | Long text | Not applicable |
Planned Date | Date | Not applicable |
Publish Date | Date | Not applicable |
Length | Duration | h:mm:ss |
Guests | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Topics | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Links to LinkedIn table | Not applicable | |
Newsletter | Links to Newsletter table | Not applicable |
Attachments | Attachment | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Calendar view using the Planned Date field so I can easily see when an episode is scheduled to be published.
I use the Calendar view using the Publish Date field so I can keep track of when I need to publish my next episode.
The table helps my plan different video content and also ensures that I share my latest videos with my network and subscribers.
Title of the video.
The script for the video. Most videos I make are fairly short so use this field works fine but for longer videos you may want to attach a script to the Attachments field.
Helps me keep track from initial concept all the way through being published.
I primarily use LinkedIn and YouTube but this could also be Facebook, Vimeo, Wisita or any other video platform.
The duration of the video in h:mm:ss format.
The URL of the video.
The date the video was published.
The name of the video file on my computer.
Any attachments I want to use such as graphics or scripts.
Links to the Topics and Resources table.
Links to the LinkedIn table so I can share videos with my network.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Name | Single line text | Not applicable |
Script | Long text | Not applicable |
Status | Single select | ConceptScript ReadyRecordedEditedPublished |
Platform | Multi select | Varies but I use LinkedIn and YouTube |
Length | Duration | h:mm:ss |
Link | URL | Not applicable |
Published Date | Date | Not applicable |
File Name | Single line text | Not applicable |
Attachments | Attachment | Not applicable |
Topics | Link to Topics and Resources Table | Not applicable |
Link to LinkedIn table | Not applicable | |
Newsletter | Link to Newsletter table | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Kanban view with the status field so that I can easily move my video projects from stage to stage.
I use the Calendar view using the Published Date field so I can keep track of when my videos were published.
I use the Grid view and Group the records by Platforms so I can keep track of which videos have been published where.
This helps me plan my newsletter content and make sure that I am sharing content that I have created on other channels with my opted-in newsletter subscribers..
The subject line for each newsletter.
The preheader text that follows a subject line in inboxes. Usually less than 160 characters.
I use this field as a place to store my ideas whilst putting together my newsletter.
The number in order in which a newsletter was sent.
The date that an email was actually sent to my subscribers.
I use this field to keep track of any third party links I want to include in my sends.
Links to the Topics and Resources table so I can include and tools or resources as part of the send.
Links to the Blog Posts table so I can share my latest posts with my subscribers.
Links to the Podcast table so I can share my latest episodes with my subscribers.
Links to the Video table so I can share my latest videos with my subscribers.
Any files you may want to add. I often create the newsletter in Google Docs first and then add that file here.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Subject Line | Single line text | Not applicable |
Preheader | Single line text | Not applicable |
Brainstorm | Long text | Not applicable |
Send # | Number | Integer |
Send Date | Date | Not applicable |
My links | Long text | Not applicable |
Topics and Resources | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Blog Posts | Links to Blog Posts table | Not applicable |
Podcasts | Links to Podcasts table | Not applicable |
Video | Links to video table | Not applicable |
Attachments | Attachment | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Calendar view using the Send Date field so I can keep track of when my newsletters were sent to my subscribers.
This is the main hub of this base. All of the tables link to this table as it is a great way to store all of the ideas, topics, people, businesses etc. that we talk about through our content. I find it helpful in also planning content and building off of what I have created in the past.
The name of the resource.
The URL to a resource.
How I categorize which type of topic or resource it is. It can be books, tools, people, businesses, topics, and resources/websites.
Links to the Blog Posts table.
Links to the LinkedIn table.
Links to the Video table.
Links to the Newsletter table.
Links to the Pages table.
Links to the Podcast table for the Guest field.
Links to the Podcast table for the Topics field.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Name | Single line text | Not applicable |
URL | URL | Not applicable |
Type | Single select | BookBusinessPeopleResources and SitesToolsTopics |
Blog Posts | Links to the Blog Posts table | Not applicable |
Links to the LinkedIn table | Not applicable | |
Video | Links to the Video table | Not applicable |
Newsletter | Links to the Newsletter table | Not applicable |
Pages | Links to the Pages table | Not applicable |
Podcast Guests | Links to the Podcast table | Not applicable |
Podcast Topics | Links to the Podcast table | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Grid view and Group the records by Type so I can easily see the records for each category.
This table helps me plan the static web pages for my site, like the one you are reading right now. It is helpful to link with other topics and plan for which keywords we want to rank for and keep track of when we may need to revise a page.
The name of the web page.
The URL to the web page.
Helps to keep track of the progress from idea to being published and ultimately when to update.
A list of keywords that I am aiming to rank for.
Links to the Topic and Resources table.
The last time that a page was updated. Helps me to know when to revise.
The date that the page went live.
This is a default field. You can use it to attach any files such as images or PDFs you want to include on the page.
Field Name | Field Type | Choice/Options |
Page Name | Single line text | Not applicable |
URL | URL | Not applicable |
Status | Single Select | IdeaDraftPublishedNeeds Revision |
Keywords | Long text | Not applicable |
Topic | Links to Topics and Resources table | Not applicable |
Last Update | Date | Not applicable |
First Published | Date | Not applicable |
Attachment | Attachment | Not applicable |
This is the standard view for each table.
I use the Kanban view with the status field so that I can easily move my web pages from idea to published.
I use the Calendar view using the First Published field so I can keep track of when mypages first went live.
I use the Calendar view using the Last Updated field so I can keep track of when my pages were last revised and helps me understand which pages may need revision.
I use the Grid view with a filter that only looks for records where the status is Needs Revision so I know which pages I should concentrate on updating.